Austin, TXCar AccidentsAustin’s Hands-Free Ordinance Could Expand to Other Texas Cities

In one of our previous blogs, we discussed Austin’s new hands-free law, which has been in effect since January 1. This week we have learned from the Austin American-Statesman that this hands-free ordinance may influence other Texas cities to pass a similar law of their own.

Why Might Other Cities Adopt Austin’s Hands-Free Law?

Texas has seen a startling 94,943 car accidents caused by distracted driving, according to the Texas Department of Transportation. In all, 459 people have lost their lives because of a preventable accident.

When you consider that Texas is one of the fastest growing states in regards to population, then you can see why local officials are considering adopting hands-free laws before our state starts to exceed 100,000 distract driving car accidents annually. Cell phone use alone has been the likely cause of death for over 50 Texans in both 2013 and 2014.

It will be interesting to see if Austin shows a significant decrease in car accidents because of our new law. If so, this inaugural season for our law could influence the entire state.

How Strongly is Texas Considering a Statewide Hands-Free Law?

A bipartisan effort in the Texas state legislature has led to a bill being filed in both the state Senate and House to create a statewide law. The time may be right for this law to be passed, as about 40 Texas cities have laws similar to Austin’s ordinance. Currently, Texas is one of only six states without a state law regarding hand-held devices.

The Law Offices of Aaron Allison – Austin Personal Injury Attorney


The Law Offices of Aaron Allison