Car AccidentsHigher Speed Limit on Austin Toll Roads May Mean More Accidents

Drivers will be able to get places fasted in the Austin-area thanks to an increase in the speed limit on local toll roads. However, with the increased speed limit some worry that more serious Austin motor vehicle accidents might occur.

The speed limit on Highway 45 and Highway 130 will increase to 80 mph from 75 mph. The change comes following a law passed last year that allows the Texas Department of Transportation to increase speed limits (up to 85 mph) on highways in the state.

The Texas Department of Transportation recommended the change in the speed limit after engineering studies showed that the higher speed were safe on the two area highways. A spokesman from the TxDOT explained that the higher speed limit will provide drivers a faster alternative when traveling in and around Austin.

Even though the higher speed limit has been approved, motorists must continue to drive at currently posted speeds until new signs have been installed.

The Law Offices of Aaron Allison