Personal InjuryWhat is a Soft Tissue Injury?

Burned handWhat are soft tissue injuries? Generally, this type of injury includes sprains, muscle tears, whiplash, strains and nerve damage. Whiplash occurs when the impact from a rear end collision forces one’s head and neck to move back and forth. Symptoms include stiffness of the neck, sharp neck pain, back problems, and even cognitive issues, such as concentration and memory difficulties.

These symptoms can occur immediately; however, many times the symptoms will gradually emerge in the days following the accident.

Whiplash may seem minor at first, but it can cause significant injury. Chronic pain and discomfort in the neck and back can develop if left untreated. Anyone suffering from whiplash should seek medical attention. Treatment may include wearing a neck brace or muscle relaxant medications.

How Can I Afford Medical Treatment for Whiplash?

A plaintiff’s best hope of obtaining compensation for a soft tissue injury is thorough documentation of the injury by a medical professional. In addition, proving that the accident happened in a particular way, as well as evidence that the plaintiff’s soft tissue injury is typical for that kind of accident, will help give a plaintiff a better chance at a settlement.

An expert witness may need to testify about how the accident likely caused the injuries. If the plaintiff also provides thorough and accurate medical records, including photos and daily descriptions of symptoms, it can help their case tremendously.

At the Law Offices of Aaron Allison, our Austin injury lawyers help those suffering because of the physical and emotional effects of soft tissue injuries. Contact our Austin injury lawyer to schedule a free consultation.

The Law Offices of Aaron Allison – Austin Injury Attorney

The Law Offices of Aaron Allison